Brain-Computer Interface Research
Neuromodulation of the human brain
Neurophysiology of Epilepsy
Understanding Human Cognition
“The focus of our group is on understanding brain function works under both normal and pathological conditions with an ultimate goal of developing techniques for diagnosing and treating some of the most devastating neuropsychiatric diseases. We focus on using approaches which extract information at multiple scales and then combine them into a more complete and meaningful understanding of brain physiology. We feel this multi-scalar, multi-modal approach is particularly powerful for understanding the human brain because of its complexity and architecture which is, by nature, multi-scalar. This information can then be used to design therapeutic interventions including brain-computer (machine) neuroprosthetics.”
Rubin DB, Hosman T, Kelemen JN, Kapitonava A, Willett FR, Coughlin BF, Halgren E, Kimchi EY, Williams ZM, Simeral JD, Hochberg LR, Cash SS  (2022) Learned Motor Patterns Are Replayed in Human Motor Cortex during Sleep. J Neurosci 42:5007 LP – 5020 Available at: doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2074-21.2022 .
Rendon LF, Bick SK, Cash SS , Cole AJ, Eskandar EN, Williams ZM (2022) Aura Type and Outcome After Anterior Temporal Lobectomy. World Neurosurg 161:e199–e209 Available at: