Neural Control of Limb Movement: • Chronic unit recording • Premotor neurons • Motor control
Volitional Control of Neural Activity: • Operant conditioning of neural activity • Neurofeedback • Cell and muscle activity disassociation
Closed Loop Brain Computer Interfaces: • Activity dependent stimulation • Spike timing dependent synaptic plasticity • Beta cycle-triggered stimulation
Synaptic Interactions Between Neurons: • Effects of post-synaptic potentials • Spike-triggered averages • Cross-correlation histograms • Local field potential oscillations
“We are investigating the neural mechanisms involved in programming and executing hand movements by recording neural activity in monkeys trained to manually track visual targets. We are particularly interested in studying ''pre-motoneuronal'' cells in motor cortex and spinal cord that produce postspike effects on forelimb muscle activity. By knowing both the response patterns of these cells during movements and their output connections to target muscles we can make important causal inferences about their contribution to movements. We are currently using multichannel electrode arrays to investigate interactions between motor cortex sites during movement.”
Yun R, Mishler JH, Perlmutter SI, Fetz EE, Paired stimulation for spike-timing dependent plasticity quantified with single neuron responses in primate motor cortex , bioRxiv 2022.05.04.490684; doi: .
Yun R, Mishler JH, Perlmutter SI, Rao RPN, Fetz EE, Responses of cortical neurons to intracortical microstimulation in awake primates , bioRxiv 2022.03.30.486457; doi: .