dorsal premotor (PMd) and primary motor (M1d) cortex in the arm, hand and finger regions of NHPs and people.
“The human brain comprises approximately 100 billion neurons, each with approximately 1,000 connections to other neurons. How do these neurons coordinate to control movement? To discover fundamental principles we conduct electrophysiological experiments with nonhuman primates (NHPs) and people, and create theories and computational analyses to decipher how computations are performed through their collective dynamics (Computation Through Dynamics, CTD)”
140. Sylwestrak EL*, Jo Y*, Vesuna S*, Wang X, Holcomb B, Tien RH, Kim DK, Fenno L, Ramakrishnan C, Allen WE, Chen R, Shenoy KV, Sussillo D, Deisseroth K (2022) Integrated computational and genetic codes of reward in the habenula. Cell. In press.
139. Paulk AC, Kfir Y, Khanna A, Mustroph M, Trautmann EM, Soper DJ, Stavisky SD, Welkenhuysen M, Dutta B, Shenoy KV, Hochberg LR, Richardson M, Williams ZM, Cash SS. (2022) Large- scale neural recordings with single neuron resolution using Neuropixels probes in human cortex. Nature Neuroscience . 25:252-263. pdf  url