Wyss Center

# people
Area of Focus 1

Neurobiology: Advancing our understanding of the brain's complex circuitry

Area of Focus 2

Neurotechnology development: Combining neuroscience, advan ced engineering and manufacturing

Area of Focus 3

Data analysis and Software development: Advanced, multimodal brain data collection and analysis

Area of Focus 4

Commercial Readiness?

“From genes to the whole brain, the Wyss Center unifies neuroscience at all scales. By pursuing innovations and new approaches in neurobiology, neuroimaging and neurotechnology, we reveal unique insights into the mechanisms underlying the dynamics of the brain and the treatment of disease. We use this interdisciplinary knowledge to accelerate the development of devices and therapies for unmet medical needs. Our current work addresses indications such as epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease and locked-in syndrome as a result of ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) or brainstem stroke.”

New/Existing Tech
Recent Publication 1

Spinal Cord fMRI: a new window into the central nervous system. Kinany, N., Pirondini, E., Micera, S., et al.

Recent Publication 2

High-resolution histological mapping of the human brain as a tool for translational psychiatric neuroscience Jorda, T., Scholler, J., Osterop, S., et al.*

Techs used
motor coordination